Top 5 Cosmetic Procedures Hollywood Stars Have

Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeries of Hollywood Stars

Hollywood Celebs have many cosmetic Procedures.
Hollywood Celebs have many cosmetic Procedures.
How do celebrities look ever so flawless on the big screen? Aren’t they worried about their acne or wrinkles showing up as their faces appear ten times larger on the cinema screens and home theatres while the audience whispers, “Ooh…look at that nasty thing on her face,” or “She looks old!” We grew up watching some of these actors/actresses on screen and yet they don’t appear to have changed at all, how is that possible?

Well, these actresses not only apply a lot of make-up but many have also had many cosmetic procedures done on them so as to appear flawless and enchanting on the screen. Some of the most cosmetic procedures the stars have had done on themselves are listed below.

1. Liposuction
While watching movies, everyone thinks, ‘Wow, she has such skinny legs, wish I was this thin too.’ Well, this fantasy can come true by a simple and widely used cosmetic procedure called liposuction. In this procedure a vacuum is inserted into the fattened area to suck out the extra deposits of fat. The two most used types of liposuction are:

• Ultrasonic Liposuction (uses sound waves to liquefy fat before suction) and
• Tumescent liposuction (uses tumescent anesthesia in liposuction to liquefy fat).

2. Mammoplasty:
Mammoplasty, which is a different procedure involving breast augmentation, is the second most popular cosmetic procedure. Surgical procedures like breast enlargement, enhancement, reduction, reshaping, mastectomy and mastopexy come under this term. The most famous among these procedures is breast enlargement. In this procedure, an implant is inserted to make the women a little more chesty. There are two types of implants for breast enlargement; saline filled implants and silicone gel filled implants.

3. Rhinoplasty:
Rhinoplasty, aka, nose jobs are the most common types of cosmetic procedures the celebrities have had. For a nose job, the surgeon will remodel the bone and cartilage of the nose. There are two types of rhinoplasty; open and closed. In an open rhinoplasty, a small slit is made at the nose’s base, near the skin which meets the nostrils. In closed rhinoplasty, there is no need for any cuts or incisions.

4. Botox Injections:
No one wants to get old, especially Hollywood stars. Hence, they fight their aging with Botox injections. The Botox procedure is a very clear, physical process in which anti-aging cosmetics are administered by the physicians to the individuals, and these individuals are then injected in the effected or treated area with purified proteins. This helps in eliminating or reducing the wrinkles and furrows on the face which usually come due to growing old or excess facial movements.

5. Cosmetic Dentistry:
Beatifying ones smile (reshaping gums and teeth and whitening of teeth) is known as cosmetic dentistry. This procedure is also fairly popular among the stars. The latest innovation in the tooth whitening scheme would be the Britesmile procedure. The procedure was made by cosmetic dentists in the Beverly Hills. In this procedure, a whitening gel is applied on one’s teeth and after the gel sets, a blue light is shone upon them. The whole procedure takes around an hour to complete. The American Dental Association states that this procedure is one of the simplest and the gentlest tooth whitening systems and its effects last longer than any other procedure.

Hollywood celebrities are not only famous for the movies they star in they are famous for all the cosmetic procedures they have. The celebrities show us we can look just as good as they do and truth be told nothing is stopping us regular people from having a cosmetic procedure to look and feel great – just like the stars do.

Scarlett Johansson Before and After
Scarlett Johansson Before and After
Holly Madison Before and After
Holly Madison Before and After
Lyndsey Lohan Before and After
Lyndsey Lohan Before and After
Michelle Pfeiffer Before and After
Michelle Pfeiffer Before and After

10 Most Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Cosmetic Surgery is Becoming the Norm

Mankind as of this decade, openly welcomes new ideas or even older ones. Before, people were not at all in favor of having any kind of cosmetic surgery, as they proclaimed that it is fake and is also life threatening. But due to many new inventions and innovations, cosmetic surgical procedures have toned down the risks and are now less expensive, so that now many people are considering having them done. The most common type of

Cosmetic Surgery
Many Anti-Aging Cosmetic Procedures are non-invasive and can be done as an Out-patient Procedure
procedures are listed below:

1. Blepharoplasty:
Commonly known as eyelid surgery, it is a cosmetic procedure which is used to reduce the sagginess of the eyes. Extra pockets of fat are removed from the upper eyelids. And as for the lower lids; the fat is either repositioned or removed. The final result is that the patient has crisp-looking, alert eyes with very little puffiness at all.

2. Rhinoplasty:
This type of cosmetic surgery refers to surgery on the nose and is commonly known as a nose job/nasal surgery. The cosmetic surgeon will operate on the nose’s cartilage and bone, which will help in correcting a distorted nose tip, nasal hump, nasal asymmetry, dorsal-fullness and wide nostrils.

3. Rhytidectomy:
Commonly known as facelifts, it is the most common procedure among women. This type of surgical procedure corrects all the excess facial skin and tightens the loose facial muscles. Tiny cuts and incisions are made on the hairline and on various parts of the face to correct sagging skin, wrinkles and lines.

4. Mammoplasty:
The different surgical procedures done on breasts are known as Mammoplasty. Among the many procedures three types stand out.
Breast Augmentation: a procedure in which the size of the breast is increased via implants.
Mastopexy: a procedure in which the breasts are reshaped and excess skin is removed from under them.
Breast Reductions: a procedure in which the tissue and skin is removed to reduce the size of breasts.

5. Liposuction:
When exercise and dieting have no effect in reducing weight, liposuction is referred to (most of the time) for weight reduction and fat removal. In this procedure a vacuum is used to suck out the excess fat pockets from any area of the body.

6. Abdominoplasty:
This is also known as a tummy tuck. In this procedure the area of focus is the abdomen, in which the more stubborn fat and excess skin is removed, the abdominal walls are tightened and stretch marks are removed.

7. Buttock Enhancement:
In this procedure, the buttocks are treated and surgery is performed on them to make them look rounder, fuller and tighter.

8. Otoplasty:
Otoplasty is a procedure in which the ears are reshaped. This is the safest type of cosmetic surgery, as it is easily done on children too. In this procedure the surgeon makes an incision in the rear skin of the ear and exposes the cartilage, then he/she will reshape it or cut it to reduce its size.

9. Botox:
Botox injections are used to reduce signs of aging. A surgical practitioner will inject high protein chemicals into the desired area which will leave the skin looking younger and reduces wrinkles.

10. Chemical Peels:
A not “under the knife” procedure. Acid is applied onto your face or any other area you want treated. This acid, in-turn, peels the top most layer of the skin, helping reduce signs of aging, wrinkles and acne.

Royalty Surgical Center
1980 N Orange Grove Ave
Pomona, CA 91767