An overview: What are Dermal Fillers ?

About dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers
Botox can smooth wrinkles out.
Dermal fillers are substances that are injectable and used to help in plumping and firming up aging skin. Dermal fillers are also used for smoothing wrinkles and filling in facial lines. They correct the recessed scars and give your face the desired rejuvenation. They are most commonly used for the plumping of the lips and to take away those creases that may be present in the eyebrow area. Such injections are the best alternative to facelifts for patients who desire a fresher and younger look but do not want to meet the costs as well as the time required to recover from the surgical procedures

What are the reasons for getting them?
When we are getting older, there are things that affect how we age and how we look, including:
• exposure to the sun
• diet
• genetics
• gravity

These things take their toll on us and over time it begins to show well on our faces. The fat, elastic, and collagen in our faces break down making our faces become tired looking and possible gaunt. Wrinkles slowly start to appear in some areas, especially the expression muscle areas. The nasolabial area is most affected, running from the mouth corners up to our chines. Wrinkles in between the eyebrows are also quite common.

Fillers help in “filling” in the sunken and creased areas to make your face look youthful and energized. The results that the fillers help us achieve aren’t permanent, and if you don’t feel they work for you, you just stop the treatment. For people who want to get a younger look without surgery, this is the right solution for you.

The kinds of dermal fillers available
Different dermal fillers have different ingredients. A surgeon is the best person to help in the selection process, as they know how each works and the look that will be achieved. The types of dermal fillers that are most common include, hyaluronic acid, collagen and fat. Each of these is adequate for a year or so, after which you will need to go back for treatment.

Human Fat – Fat Transfer
Human fat can sometimes be used in such filler injections and it is analogous as it comes from your body. The surgeon takes fat from areas like the thighs or abdomen and then cleans it so as to inject it to the spots that you want on the face. The choice is a good one if you have some severe allergies. There is no way that your body can react to its own tissues. The body reabsorbs a percentage of the fat injected meaning that the injection site has to be overfilled initially. The area injected may look a bit swollen for some days until the excess fat is reabsorbed.

This is the protein present in different cow products as well as the skin of humans. It can be used for the purposes of plumping up the lips. This can also be applied on moderate face creases so as to counteract the way they look. This is an excellent option for the people who want to maintain the appearance especially after facelifts and other facial surgeries.

Hyaluronic Acid
This is a substance that occurs naturally in humans in the connective tissues and on the eye area. When injected, it inflates tissues and draws water to the skin surface making you look younger.

Royalty Surgical Center
1980 N Orange Grove Ave
Pomona, CA 91767

The 5 Most Popular Plastic Surgery Treatments


Botox Treatments: Botox is a very popular method for diminishing and smoothing wrinkles, frown lines. It is used around the forehead and eyes for the purpose of making the face look younger and revitalized. Botox paralyzes the muscles and restricts facial movements a bit to give the skin a more revitalized and younger appearance. The recovery time is minimal and it’s very affordable. You can have this done on a regular basis so as to maintain the great results and it won’t break the bank.

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery Makes you Look Years Younger.
Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery Makes you Look Years Younger.

Facelift: When we age, the skin on our bodies tends to weaken, sag and produce wrinkles. Creases appear where they weren’t before. Fat and muscle move in the facial area and become displaced and with loss of toned facial muscles excess skin can begin to sag even more. The facelift procedure consists of tiny incisions made at the hairline as well as behind the ears. After this part of the surgery the skin is re-draped and fat deposits re-sculpted to achieve a favorable result.

Eyelid Surgery: This surgery is known as blepharoplasty. In other words it’s called eyelid surgery and it meant to deal with bags under the eyes, puffiness, and excess wrinkling. The procedure consists of making small incisions below the lower lash, muscles are tightened and fat is adjusted and re-deposited. This will give the face a new look and the person will look and feel younger.

Liposuction: This is a very popular surgery for people who have stubborn fat areas. Liposuction is a great option because recovery time is minimal and the results extremely favorable. Someone can do all the sit-ups and crunches but nothing is faster and more effective than a Liposuction procedure. This is done as an outpatient procedure. The Final results can be amazing when the swelling subsides.

Breast Augmentation: Women seek body enhancements and one of the most popular procedures is breast augmentation.  For a woman to be shapely and feel beautiful it’s extremely important.  This is a procedure that many women elect to have for very personal reasons.  Other common and similar procedures include breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction.

1980 N Orange Grove Ave
Pomona, CA 91767

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